***** säger (20:22):
"In the case of a tie for the first, second and third prize, teams with a higher number of fives will be ranked above teams with a lower number of fives. If there is still a tie, the number of fours will decide the ranking. Then one counts the number of threes, and then the number of twos. If there is still a tie, the team having scored the most on the hard problems will be ranked above. This is determined in the following way: Let P(k) be a team's score on problem k, and let T(k) be the total score of all the teams on problem k. Let Q be the sum of P(k)×T(k) taken over all the 20 problems. Teams with a lower Q will be ranked above teams with a higher Q. If there is still a tie, the Jury decides if and how the tie should be broken. In the case of a tie for the fourth place and lower, no action will be taken to resolve the tie."
***** säger (20:22):
pelli säger (20:23):
heheh :P
pelli säger (20:23):
kul om de hade jämfört antalet ettor också :P
***** säger (20:24):
***** säger (20:24):
dom gör inte det
***** säger (20:24):
wtf :P
***** säger (20:24):
gjorde de det förra året?
***** säger (20:24):
eller vänta
***** säger (20:24):
jag är korkad
pelli säger (20:24):
Jaa du, naturligt språk är ju sjukt redundant i vilket fall så det skadar väl inte att lägga till lite mer redundans, eller nåt...