På skriver folk om hur misslyckade dera liv är. Alla berättelser has samma struktur: "Today, [...]. FML.". Här kommer en kort anekdot i samma stuk, fast INTE av FML-typ.
"Yesterday, as I was having a video call with my gf, she decided to go to bed. She's a heavy sleeper. I had to place an international call at 2am to tell her sister to wake her up and get the still running laptop out of her bed. This morning, she asked me why her mother said I called her sister, as she remembered having turned the laptop off and put it on the floor herself. That's what she did AFTER her sister woke her up."
On the upside så kostade samtalet till Sverige bara 30p, om jag minns rätt.
"Yesterday, as I was having a video call with my gf, she decided to go to bed. She's a heavy sleeper. I had to place an international call at 2am to tell her sister to wake her up and get the still running laptop out of her bed. This morning, she asked me why her mother said I called her sister, as she remembered having turned the laptop off and put it on the floor herself. That's what she did AFTER her sister woke her up."
On the upside så kostade samtalet till Sverige bara 30p, om jag minns rätt.
(2009-04-27 @ 18:15:25):
Yesterday, as I was having a video call with my bf, I fell asleep. 10 min later I woke up by my self and turned the laptop off and put it on the floor. The next day my bf and my mother tell me that my sister woke me up, and my chat log says that the 10 min where 1 and a half hour.
Min uppsida är att jag sov väldigt gott :P